Sunday, June 24, 2012

Questions about Genital Herpes


My wife gets cold sores above her upper lip and while we are very careful to avoid contact when she feels one coming on or one is visible, it appears to have transferred to my genitals and I am experiencing what I believe to be an outbreak of 8-10 sores/blisters. I have an appointment with the dr tomorrow to have it looked at and determine whether this is actually the case. Although I am experiencing very little pain/discomfort (basically none) there is obviously still a level of concern and worry when it comes to anything out of the ordinary in that area.

One question i have at this point is if this is in fact a case of transfer of the hsv-1 virus from my wife to me, is it possible that I could now "re-transfer" the virus back to my wife such that it effects her genital area when it has previously only effected her upper lip area?

Hey, whats up, cubicle!

I'm sorry to hear you are going through this!

Genital HSV1 (the same strain that causes oral cold sores) can only be transferred via oral sex, and the shedding rate is extremely low.
Genital HSV2 (also known as 'genital herpes') primarily is transmitted through genital-to-genital contact.

if you have hsv 1 in your gentical you cannot reinfect her orally sense s he alreadyhas it however you can infect her with hsv 1 gentically but it a little harder because it not it site of preference.