Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Anti Cold Sore Foods



Cold sores or fever blisters are fluid filled blisters that may occur anywhere in the body—especially on the face, around the lips, and on the genitals.

These blisters are usually small and are caused due to the herpes simplex virus. The skin around the blisters is usually painful, swollen, and red.

Though the blisters usually remain closed, excessive scratching may cause them to break open and release a clear fluid which is infectious. Eventually, the sores become scabbed. In a few days, they may become completely scabbed. It takes several days for the sores to heal completely.

When you are planning to set a cold sores diet for yourself, start off with including some important amino acids such as lysine.

Also make sure that arginine, another amino acid, is in very low quantities in the diet. Arginine is an amino acid which is required by the herpes virus to replicate itself. Therefore, this amino acid should be avoided completely.

Lysine not only inhibits the multiplication of the herpes virus, it also helps in inhibiting the metabolism of arginine.

Most fruits and vegetables contain lysine. Other foods which are an important part of a cold sores diet and prevention include raw papaya, eggs, avocados, tomatoes, beet, milk and dairy products, and fruits such as apricots, mango, pears, figs, and apples. You will also have to avoid certain foods in your diet.

These include gelatin, nuts, oats, seeds, chocolate, refined flours, brown rice, whole wheat, coconut, caffeine, and protein shakes which include arginine.

Most cold sores dietary supplements will not contain arginine, but if they do, avoid such supplements. The recurrence of cold sores can be limited with the help of a diet to reduce cold sores.

An anti-cold sore diet can help you deal with the outbreaks. Bioflavonoids, vitamin C, zinc, and the vitamin B group are all micronutrients that can help you improve your immunity, thus extending the period of remission between two subsequent breakouts.

Cold Sores Foods As discussed earlier, it is important to consume foods which have a high lysine and low arginine content. Some of the foods which are ideal in such a condition include almost all fresh fruits and vegetables.

Figs and apricots are especially beneficial to those suffering from cold sores. You should also include a lot of dairy products in your diet such as yogurt, milk, and cheese.

Brewer’s yeast, fish, white meat, and eggs are also food items which can be consumed to improve immunity and repress the symptoms of the herpes virus. Fishes like sardines and cod are especially beneficial in your condition.

Consume foods which are high in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits such as oranges, leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and bokchoy, broccoli, cauliflower,

Brussels sprouts, papaya, bell peppers, parsley, and strawberries. Also consume foods which contain high amounts of bioflavonoids.

Such cold sores foods to eat include rosehip, wines and juices made from grapes, apricots, prunes, black tea, and red clover.

Cold sores foods to avoid include artificial sweeteners, white bread, refined flours, refined sugars, caffeine, oats, nuts, and chocolates.

When you have cold sores foods high in arginine should be avoided. So try and avoid consuming foods such as chocolates, peanut butter, porridge, oats, protein shakes, and muscle building supplements.

Cold sores foods trigger off episodes of fever, blisters, and other symptoms related to the herpes virus.

Is vitamin c good for cold sores?
Vitamin C does nothing for cold sores in itself. However, vitamin C is required for improving immunity and a healthy dose of this vitamin can help you increase immunity to a point where there is a large gap between two consecutive breakouts. While citrus fruits are really rich in vitamin C, it is better to have all sorts of fruits in moderation.

Most fruits, whether they contain vitamin C or not, raisethe alkaline levels in the body. Fruits that are rich in vitamin C are also rich in antioxidants as well as lysine, which is an amino acid that helps keep the breakouts of fever blisters at bay.

Vitamin C, along with bioflavonoids and zinc, also helps in boosting immunity and therefore prevents an attack of the virus. It also creates a strong resistance within the body which allows it to fight off all other infections that may ravage your body when you are struggling with the herpes virus.

Vitamin C also helps you deal with the swelling, redness, itching, facial pain, pain in the nerves, tingling, and scabbing, that is often associated with the herpes virus. Vitamin C also helps increase the rate at which the skin heals after the blisters have been scabbed.

Vitamin C may be needed in doses higher than what you normally use because the skin may need a lot of healing as the blisters appear and scab.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Getting Rid Of Cold Sores Once And For All!


By Sophia Rodriguez

Wouldn't you just love to know how to go about getting rid of cold sores once and for all?

If you've had a few, odds are they are coming back...unless you take action to never have another ugly sore ever again. I was in the same shoes as you up until this summer when I found out how to make my body an inhospitable area for the herpes virus.

Last August, I had an ugly sore on my mouth that was painful, itchy and made me never want to get out of my cave so I wouldn't have to go out in public with this entity growing on my lip. Of course, wouldn't you know it, my ugly sore timed its entrance to peak at the very moment I had to attend a wedding. Pretty hard to back out of a close family member's wedding just because of a deformity growing on my mouth, no matter how much I wanted to hide out in a cave.

So, I researched and dug around on the internet to find out how to heal my sore. Cold sore home remedies was high atop my list since little mini vials of hit and miss gels that promised to reduce the pain associated with herpes sores cost a fortune. I didn't want to reduce the pain of my sore, I just wanted treatments that worked! I wanted to find out how to get rid of them in one day! Was that even possible?

Well, I'm not going to lie I did not read anything that made it completely go away overnight like I had hoped. However, I did find tips that made the swelling go down dramatically. One of these great tips was to apply toothpaste over the wound before going to bed and a few times a day. With just a touch of concealer, I was able to pull off the wedding with hardly any embarrassment or anxiety over my bobo.

After that sore, I swore it would be my last. That was the final cold sore I ever had and I know I will never have another one. It turns out there is lots a person can do to eat the right things and take the right supplements to make herpes sores back away from you. By resetting the PH of your body, your body will not attract or accept herpes into your life ever again.

Stop suffering with ugly cold sores and read the e-book that teaches you how to banish cold sores forever. Look Better, Feel Better, and Raise Your Self-Esteem by Curing Your Cold Sores Once and For All... Within 3 Days... Never to Come Back Again! Click here to read more about the e-book that showed me how to ward off cold sores forever.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

How To Stop Cold Sores Forever

If you wish to know how to stop cold sores forever, you need to understand what causes a cold sore, also called the herpes simplex virus, and what is a cold sore. This article will attempt to answer all these questions and more.

Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex virus, a common and infectious virus which is usually contacted during {childhood|youth} and {hides|hides out} in the nerve {ganglia|endings} near where your cold sore usually {appears|looks}. The virus can remain dormant for months or years without reappearing, until your body becomes unbalanced. Your {natural|instinctive} body defenses keep the virus in check until your defenses drop because you may feel tired, {upset|disturbed} or stressed; you resistance is lowered, you have a fever, overexposure to the sun or wind, or maybe you are menstruating, and suddenly you feel that familiar tingling {sensation|feeling}.

This is when the virus is moving down your nerve fibers to the skin surface. Now you feel the tingling, itching, perhaps burning or drying sensations, lasting a few hours or a few days, to be followed by redness and swelling at the cold sore site; the virus is {reproducing|multiplying}.

Next is the appearance of {clusters|clumps|bunches} of small blisters that are painfully sensitive, followed by all the blisters joining to become one large open, {weeping|ugly} sore. This is the most painful and most contagious stage, although next is when it starts to crust over and heal. At this stage it is painful because any movement tends to crack the scab.

Once the scab forms, the sore is healing from the inside out. The virus is retreating, but there is continued itching and some pain and irritation. Once the scab is gone, usually redness remains for another 2 to 14 days. Contagion remains until the spot disappears entirely.

Conventional treatment of the virus includes creams and lotions that can relieve the pain and reduce secondary infections, but there is no cure for cold sores. Preventative measures seem more successful than curative in minimizing the number and severity of infections. Learn to recognize the situations that usually lead to you developing a cold sore and prevent them from occurring. Also recognize the first signs of the onset of a cold sore and apply immediate treatment. A medical practitioner can prescribe antiviral drugs that will minimize symptoms and re-infections.

Avoid contact with the sores; wash your hands immediately if you touch them, and don't share linens and towels with anyone else.

Naturopathic treatments of cold sores include applications of the amino acid lysine, which is particularly effective in preventing or reducing the occurence of cold sores. A salve containing lysine makes an effective lip balm, as dry cracked lips seem to invite a cold sore. Vitamin and mineral supplements may help the body fight the herpes virus, especially vitamin C, E, B vitamins and zinc. A whole foods diet that excludes sugar and refined foods and includes plenty of fiber and alkali-producing foods also can help prevent herpes attacks.

Applying tea tree oil directly to the tingling area or cold sores with a cotton swab can minimize an outbreak, reinfection and spreading. Throw away the swab immediately after using.

The advantages of using tea tree oil are:

* Decreasing pain and shortening the healing time of the herpes lesions.
* Helping to inhibit recurrences
* Assisting in prevention of viral activity by supporting the immune system

Using tea tree oil, avoiding the conditions that bring on herpes attacks, and supporting the immune system through proper diet and hygiene are the best methods for dealing with this annoying and painful virus.

To learn more about how to get rid of cold sores forever naturally, click here: Cold Sore Free Forever