Friday, October 7, 2011

Everyday Cold Sore Remedies


There are a lot of cold sore remedies inside the house. It’s always good to keep them around just in case there’s a cold sore outbreak with someone inside the house.

People think cold sores just come out of nowhere. They think it’s similar to a pimple. This is a wrong assumption however because cold sores are actually caused by a virus.

The herpes simplex virus or HSV-1 commonly causes cold sores on the lips or around the mouth. This is because the virus is usually contracted through contact of saliva or mouth.

The virus then easily slips into the nerves near the mouth or skin. Many people get the virus at an early age without even knowing it. This is because the virus doesn’t usually immediately cause cold sores.

They remain dormant in the nerve cells near the skin until something triggers it. The scientific and medical community however, cannot pin point yet the main trigger for the cause of cold sores.

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