Friday, November 4, 2011

Advice on Getting Rid of Cold Sores



Anyone know of a treatment that can cure coldsores as fast as possible. I work in a job where I meet people face to face daily and having a coldsore wont be good at all.

Answers: Thomas Answered:
From a local pharmacy there are many but Zovirax (Topical) or Compeed (Small Patch) are a couple of big brands.

Nat Answered: Yes, cold sores usually can be gotten rid of overnight(see below) my sister did this a while ago before going to a birthday party for her mom, I'm not sure on the details though but I can ask. Also, being aware of your cold sore and becoming self-conscious will be more harmful to your interactions than the cold sore itself, so if you run out of time to get rid of the cold sore, simply forget about it and don't sweat it. Cheers, Nat

Peppermint oil it has been discovered the essential oil of peppermint has been found to sink into the skin and helps heal the virus . Peppermint oil is absorbed through the skin, so that even small amounts can be toxic and should never be ingested.

Take daily vitamin supplements particularly those containinglarge amounts of antioxidants and vitamin B. Vitamin B deficiency has been shown to have a direct connection with a rash and anti-oxidants are essential in maintaining healthy body functions.

Exercise -not only does it strengthen your immune system, it is an effective way to remove stress, one of the most common triggers of cold sores. Avoid salty foods, like potato chips, and acidic foods, like lemons and other citrus fruit, as they have been proven to aggravate the sores and cause them to become more painful.

Do not store your toothbrush in the bathroom. Moisture in the bathroom extends the life of the herpes virus which causes cold sores on your toothbrush and will cause more sores to form in your mouth keep your toothbrush dry.

Keep the infected area clean wash the infected area numerous times daily with warm soapy water to help disinfect and heal the area.

Wash your hands people would be amazed at what their hands touch on a daily basis and most people are not aware of the things they come into contact with. It is vitally important that you keep your hands clean if you have a cold sore, because we unconsciously touch or faces and you may touch your cold sore and get some of the fluids on your hands and then pass the fluids to another area of your body, or another persons body, where a new sore will then develop.

Ice icing the infected area can help relieve some of the pain and irritation associated with cold sores and can also help the virus from spreading more, as the virus stops growing in colder temperatures.

Use oil-based products, like vasoline, around the infected area. This helps to prevent secondary infections of bacteria and speed healing

OTHER TREATMENTS FOR COLD SORES: The use of an over the counter (OTC) anesthetic cream to help relieve pain and discomfort. If your cold sore has become severe or has not cleared up within two weeks, you may want to go see a doctor and have them prescribe an oral prescription medication, which is a stronger form of an over the counter medication and may be needed to clear up your particular case of cold sores.

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